Finding God

Nanice Ellis

We are all looking for God, but like a fish looking for the water,
often miss what is right before us.
Since God is Consciousness, the way to find God
must be to look for consciousness.
This is a trick, because the only place that you can ever find
the direct experience of consciousness is in yourself.
What about the  consciousness of others and that of the world itself?
The consciousness of the whole world and that of other people
is experienced by you, through your own consciousness.
This is the only consciousness that you can personally experience. 
This is the consciousness behind thinking and emotions. 
This is the part of you that was never born and will never die.
This part of you is conscious right now. 
Drop everything and just be conscious of consciousness -
and you will find what you are seeking. 
Be Still and Know That I Am. 

In grace & gratitude,
Nanice Ellis

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published on by Nanice

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#Short and sweet #Pure Consciousness #God Stuff

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