Out of The Jungle - A Beginners Guide To Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca has the intrinsic ability to rescue you from the Jungle of Your Own Mind – providing immense healing and, if you are ready, the door to spiritual awakening.

Ayahuasca has come Out of the Jungle of South America - you can now find Medicine Ceremonies almost anywhere in the world, but there is still great mystery around Ayahuasca.

In sharing this book, it is my intention to take the mystery out of Ayahuasca – to bring understanding to what Ayahuasca is and how it works so that you can adequately prepare, in order to have an empowering and transformational journey; ultimately integrating the experience back into your life with ease and grace.

Whether you are seeking emotional or physical healing or your intention is spiritual awakening, you will find a  comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about Ayahuasca, including:

  • What is Ayahuasca?
  • Is Ayahuasca for me?
  • Where can I do Ayahuasca?
  • How do I select the lodge?
  • How does Ayahuasca work?
  • How do I prepare for Ayahuasca?
  • What should I bring to a ceremony?
  • What is the purpose of the Shaman?
  • What should I expect in a ceremony?
  • What are common Aya experiences?

Learn about the three stages of an Ayahuasca journey and how to navigate through each stage. You will also discover what to do after Ayahuasca and how to integrate Ayahuasca back into your life for the greatest benefits.

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