Inspirational Leadership

Nanice Ellis

Creating a Positive Corporate Culture With Inspirational Leadership

Nanice Ellis

Although the collective consciousness in any corporate culture is made up of the individuals of that group, there are certain individuals who have the most powerful effects on how the corporate group operates, cooperates and even creates. These people are the Leaders of the group. The leaders in any organization create a tone or energy that infects and affects every person within the group. When these individuals use their power to make a difference and to create a positive corporate culture that makes people feel good about contributing the best of who they are, we call them Inspirational Leaders. Inspirational Leaders are energy movers. They know how to inspire and motivate the energy of everyone inside a group. They know how to take those energies and create an environment where individuals work together and support each other to fulfill a shared vision. Inspirational Leaders are the essential key in creating the most positive corporate culture possible.

What does it take to be an Inspirational Leader?

1 - Inspirational Leaders encourage and allow people to do what they do best. IL's are experts in recognizing and utilizing the gifts and talents of each member of their team. They understand that the wrong person in the wrong job negatively affects the overall productivity of the team while the right person in the right job creates a smooth running machine which supports the whole team. When each person is doing what he or she does best, the overall harmony of each member of the team ripples out to the whole team creating an even more positive corporate culture and greater productivity.

2 - Inspirational leaders know the importance of instilling confidence in others. When any individual in a group has doubts or insecurities about himself or his performance, it negatively affects the entire group - think of an insecure person who acts bossy, over confident or is too scared to contribute their ideas in any positive ways. On the contrary when all individuals within a group feel confident about themselves and their abilities, they show up in a way in which they express their best selves. They are able to appreciate the skills and talents of others and interact in such a way that it supports a positive group dynamic. Inspirational leaders instill confidence by focusing on the positive strengths of each individual and know how to cultivate those strengths in a way that is supportive to the entire corporate culture.

3 - Inspirational Leaders have clear vision and intention. IL's know how to share their vision in such a way that others can easily grab hold of the vision and understand where they can individually support the vision and help manifest it. IL's know how to take their vision and break it down in such a way that each step is clear and everyone knows the part they play in the whole. They know how to cultivate an intent that is contagious and others want to be a part of. When an entire team is working towards a common vision, the corporate culture is one of energy and enthusiasm.

4- Inspirational Leaders create consistent experiences. IL's know the value of consistency and predictability in the workplace. They know that those who work in their team need to feel safe and secure enough to be able to bring their best selves to work. Employees or team members who feel unsure about their jobs, position or even the reaction of peers or superiors tend to hold back and produce far below their capacity. While team members who go to work feeling like they know what to expect and that expectation feels positive and supportive, tend to be happier, more productive and add to an inspiring overall energy of the corporate culture.

5- Inspirational Leaders support creativity. IL's understand that people feel best when they can express their fun and creative sides. In an environment of creativity team members inside a corporate culture tend to be excited about sharing ideas and putting them in action. When creativity is discouraged or stifled, people tend to close down causing tension in the workplace. When team members are encouraged to express their creativity and not criticized for "bad ideas", people feel more comfortable to be themselves and open up in such ways that the team works together in a supportive culture.

6 - Inspirational Leaders know the power of their word. IL's understand that their power as a leader is only as strong as their word. They know that what they say has power and importance beyond the word. They say only what they mean and always keep their promises. They are clear and concise and never manipulate their words in order to get others to act in certain ways. They are careful to choose only words which support each individual and as a result team members also learn to utilize the power of their words. When all members of the team know how to honor their word, the entire corporate culture becomes supportive and a positive dynamic is created.

7 - Inspirational Leaders value all team members. IL's understand that when people feel valued, they not only work better, they also regard each other with a higher sense of value. When just one person doesn't feel valued, his energy and behavior is shared with everyone else as he treats others as he feels he is treated. As a result, a culture of feeling de-valued spreads and infects the entire team. IL's know how to value their team members. They regularly give them positive feedback and if there is feedback that indicates improvement is needed, they do it in such a way that supports and values the overall person. IL's always leave people feeling good about themselves. When you have a group of people who feel good about themselves, the result will be a cohesive group with individuals who support each other and move towards a common goal.

8 - Inspirational Leaders know the power of communicating. IL's know that communicating is not just how we speak to others but how well we listen. IL's know that great communicators make people feel like their opinion counts and they are heard. They know how to use their own voice to inspire enthusiasm, instill confidence and create a team spirit. Corporate cultures which have leaders who have mastered the art of communication are most often cultures where people feel like they are a part of a team and they have a higher desire to work together for a common goal. IL's also know how to model communication in such a way that team members become better communicators as well. Powerful, supportive and clear communication between team members creates cohesion for a positive culture where everyone can share their absolute best.

9 - Inspirational Leaders put people before profits. IL's understand that the bottom-line of any company is a direct result of the collective consciousness of the entire group and when individual members of a group are supported and feel that they are a valuable part of the team, productivity increases and the bottom line rises as well. When people feel that they are just a means for the company to get a result or make profits, they feel uninspired and taken for granted. As a result a wave of dissatisfaction flows through the entire team and a feeling of negativity ensues. When people feel that a company cares more about them then the bottom-line, they respond by bringing their whole selves to work and pass on that good feeling to others on their team and around them. The result is a corporate culture where people feel good to be a part of a well working team and are happy to provide positive overall results to the company's goals and profits.

Inspirational Leaders are special people who know how to foster a positive corporate culture by understanding that their leadership directly affects the individual members of the corporate group and that when that group is working together as a cohesive team, anything and everything is possible. One person can make a difference but an Inspirational Leader makes every difference.

In grace & gratitude,


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