Is the Fear of Disappointment Stopping You?

Nanice Ellis

Did you know that the fear of disappointment stops more people from living their lives than anything else? We are so afraid of disappointment that we fail to even dream. Many of us believe it’s better not to dream at all than to get our hopes up, only to fall.

If you live your life in fear of disappointment, you are not truly living — disappointment has tricked you into playing it safe, and you will end up with the very thing you sacrificed your life to avoid.

Disappointment is your ill begotten friend who wants to keep you safe from loss and pain. But disappointment knows nothing of resiliency, determination, and perseverance. Disappointment knows nothing of reaching the mountain top and planting your flag!

If you are truly committed to your dream, disappointment is impossible. Disappointment only occurs if you give up. If you are committed to your desire, there is no giving up. If not one way then another – and another and another, until you succeed. Every successful person has experienced temporary disappointment but each got over it and “on with it” – to ultimately experience success. When you refuse to take no for an answer, disappointment is impossible and so is failure.

Along the way, disappointment will likely call you in and comfort you in the solitude of its cave. Disappointment will present you with a story that makes it all seem too hard to go on, and will reassure you of a safe life. Disappointment will lure you with the comfort of avoiding defeat and invite you to settle into relief.

Don’t fall for it. See disappointment for what it is, and turn away. Don’t give up. Refocus on your Dream.

Yes, on the way to your dream, temporary disappointment will likely meet you, but that doesn’t mean that you failed or your dream is over. It just means you need to find a better way or you need to reaffirm your dream in order to get to the next level.

Take the word “disappointment” – dis-appointment. It’s like a missed appointment. Well, if you miss an appointment, you make another one. You don’t just cancel the whole thing because you missed it the first time.

If you are going to pursue a dream, commit to going the whole nine yards. If you just test the waters, disappointment will surely stop you in your tracks. But, if you tell yourself “I am going to do this and nothing is going to stop me,” success is eminent and guaranteed. The rocks on the road that might have tripped you, if you weren’t committed, will be small pebbles that you skip over.

Disappointment can only strike if you give up!

So, if you are going to do something, do it, and make a commitment to yourself that you will not give up – that you will see it to the end. The opposite of disappointment is believing that you can have what you desire, and it is your beliefs that manifest in reality.

The road to your dream may look very different than you imagined, so let go of the way that it has to look, and go with the flow. This means that the love of your life might be a different person than the one that you had your mind set on. You might also be very surprised that twists and turns take you in a more direct route than the one that you pre-planned.

Success is around the corner, but sometimes corners create shadows, and disappointment can hide in the shadows. But shadows aren’t real and neither is disappointment. Risk disappointment…

This is the simple formula for success – dream big, commit to your dream, let go of the way it has to look, trust the process and never give up.

See you at the finish line!

In grace & gratitude,

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published on by Nanice

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