What you resist - persists!

Nanice Ellis

Another word for Resistance is Suffering.
Resistance can be blatant or subtle.
Resistance can be extreme fear or just a little judgment.
They are both forms of resistance and everything in between.
It only takes a little judgment to experience suffering.
The suffering is an indication that you are resisting what is
and therefore your connection to source is being compromised - like a kink in a garden hose.
Release the resistance and the energy flows.
The more in alignment you are with the flowing energy of source, the better you feel.
This is why falling in love feels so wonderful.
There is no resistance in completely falling in love.
You are falling.
How can you resist falling?
In falling you must surrender, and in the surrender you are free....

Excerpt from Spiritual Journey Part 10 - to read all of Part 10 - go to http://www.nanice.com/article/500/Part-10-Releasing-Resistance/
If you would like to begin at Part 1 - go to http://www.nanice.com/article/488/Spiritual-Journey-Part-1/

In grace & gratitude,

About this article

published on Nanice.com by Nanice

Categorized as: DivineSpirations

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#Short and sweet #Peace #Letting Go #Healing - Mind, Soul and Body Healing #Embracing Life

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