Your DREAMS are Important to the World!

Nanice Ellis

Live your dreams "they" say, but how can you fully live your dreams when most of your time goes to financially supporting yourself and your family? Many people say that their dreams don't pay the bills and they have no choice but to work a 9 to 5 that puts bread on the table and keeps a roof over their heads. When you have to spend 40 hours or more a week working so that you can eat and have a place to live, there is no time to live your dreams. Sometimes there is not even enough time to dream. Something is wrong with this picture.

Although most of us have been convinced that this is the way it is, this way of life is not natural and certainly not spiritually, emotionally or physically healthy and supportive of our well-being. Working to support your life instead of allowing life to support you is out of whack with the natural order of how life truly works.

Despite evidence to the contrary, there is a time in the future when everyone lives their dreams and expresses their gifts and talents as a way of life; all the while living a life of abundance in every way. Parents get to spend not just quality time with their kids but a quantity of quality time. Children get to grow up with full time parents who aren't slaves to full time jobs. Competition is a thing of the past as everyone supports the dreams and well-being of everyone else. Scarcity and poverty are replaced with guaranteed prosperity and abundance. Every one eats, everyone is safe, every one flourishes. In a world where the well-being of each person is a priority, health insurance is replaced with the assurance of health, just as the epidemic of depression gives way to deep personal fulfillment. 

This is not some idealistic utopia but the way in which Life on Earth was intended to be. 

If you look deep inside, you will see that we are each on the planet today to bridge the gap from this old paradigm to a new world paradigm. As we wake up from the old reality that keeps us trapped in jobs that barely support us financially, we begin to look for something more. In looking for that “something more,” our dreams also begin to awaken. Maybe we shoot them down or doubt our ability to overcome the obstacles that seem to be in our way, but nonetheless they grow stronger and stronger; like the morning sun coming over the horizon, our dreams begin to enlighten our world, pulling us out of the past and into the possibility of a better tomorrow.

The everyday-pain that one feels working at a job that doesn't fulfill them is exactly the way it is supposed to be, because eventually that nagging pain will grow so large that a change must be made by each and every person. Not only do we have the power to change the way in which life is lived on this planet, we are here to do it! This is why more and more people are saying yes to their dreams and embarking on a path of turning their dreams into reality. This isn't an easy path because it goes against the grain. Anyone who goes against the grain is a pioneer of change but one-by-one, we are changing the direction of the grain - and that is the point.

So instead of complaining about the way things are or the unfairness of life, figure out what life is asking you to do. Instead of getting depressed over the hours spent working in a job you don't like, or the inability to do something different - do something different.

I know that it can be scary and unpredictable and that change can be challenging, but we came here to make a profound difference. Never has there been so many people on the planet feeling like they have a huge purpose. What do you think that purpose is?
The purpose is for each of us to play our parts in shifting from the old paradigm to the new. The way in which you personally make a difference and contribute to world transformation is through pursuing your dream. Your purpose in life is to fulfill your dream.

We each hold a piece of the puzzle in transforming our world into Heaven on Earth.

The piece of the puzzle that you hold is unlocked in the realization of your personal dream. As you embrace your personal dream and take inspired action until you realize that dream, you complete your portion of the plan to transform life on Earth.  

Your life is important. You are important. And now is the time to say YES to your dream! This is how you fulfill your purpose and change the course of history. Look around, notice how beautiful our world is, and it is just waiting for us to wake up, take our intrinsic power back and dream a new reality.

In grace & gratitude,

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published on by Nanice

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